This week I have decided not to share a cocktail, but an ingredient into one of the cocktails I usually make for others with the best response. I will share how I do, and my writing will not be as long as usual.

The recipe:

  • 1 part (by volume) Sugar
  • 1 part (by volume) Water
  • 1 part (by volume) Earl Grey Tea

Add all the ingredients to a container (a glass jar or something similar) and let it steep for about 6-10 hours. After that strain the tea from the syrup and then store it in a bottle for up to a week in the fridge. By adding a little vodka, the syrup may be good longer.

This version of the syrup will be flavourful, though not really as bitter and tannic as tea sometimes is. It is easy to make though it takes some time to prepare, for me the simplicity of this combined with the result is the reason for me to prefer this version.

Alternative version:

For a quicker version of Earl Grey Syrup, boil water, more than what you need. Then add tea to the water and let it brew until the tea is really over steeped and undrinkably bitter. Then use the tea to create a normal 1:1 simple syrup, though substituting water for the bitter tea. Personally, I have only done it this way once and it worked, though I should have made it more bitter, if you want to make earl grey syrup moments before you aim to use the syrup.

Earl Grey Sour:

  • 2 oz (6 cl) Gin
  • 1 oz (3 cl) Earl Grey Syrup
  • 1 oz (3 cl) Lemon Juice

Add the ingredients to a shaker and shake with ice. Strain into a chilled coupe glass and serve ungarnished.