The classic cocktail from Italy, the Negroni, can be rather harsh for some people. Being made with the Italian aperitif Campari, the bitterness of the cocktail is off-putting to many. But there is an alternative to Campari for those who would like a cocktail like the Negroni, sweet fruity and slightly bitter, by swapping Campari for Aperol, the bitterness is toned down quite a bit. Flavour wise they are quite similar, though where the citrusy flavours are more like grapefruit in Campari and more orangey in Aperol. This cocktail is light and refreshing and perhaps not very appropriate for the time of the year, nevertheless it is a nice introduction into bitter cocktails. Another difference between Aperol and Campari is the alcohol content that it quite a bit lower in Aperol than Campari. Though I would not consider it to be a low ABV drink, it is not as strong as cocktails like the Manhattan or the Old Fashioned. The cocktail is sweet yet quite well balanced with the bitterness for those, like me, who cannot deal with too bitter cocktails. It is fruity and refreshing and I would highly recommend this cocktail.

My Recipe:

  • 1 oz (3 cl) Gin
  • 1 oz (3 cl) Aperol
  • 1 oz (3 cl) Sweet Vermouth

Pour the ingredients into a mixing glass and stir with ice until chilled. Strain into a chilled Old Fashioned glass with ice.

The Negroni:

  • 1 oz (3 cl) Gin
  • 1 oz (3 cl) Campari
  • 1 oz (3 cl) Sweet Vermouth

Pour the ingredients into a mixing glass and stir with ice until chilled. Strain into a chilled Old Fashioned glass with ice.

Alternative method:

An alternative method which works rather well for these Negroni style cocktails is to make the cocktail in the glass. If that method is chosen the ingredients would be poured over ice in the glass and stirred in the glass as well before serving.