This week’s cocktail is one named the Jasmine. It is basically a white lady with some Campari. As this is not a classic cocktail, there is not much heritage to it, however that does not detract from this being a tasty cocktail. I have seen other claiming this to be a version of the Negroni, though for me that seems to be a bit far-fetched, as the proportions are completely different, and one ingredient is switched for two.

What this cocktail offers, according to me, is a brilliant introduction to Campari. Since Campari can be bitter and harsh, this cocktail utilises the grapefruit characteristics of Campari. This characteristic of the Campari, as well as the orange flavour in the Cointreau, the lemon juice and the citrus notes in the gin makes this cocktail citrusy, with the dominant characteristic being grapefruit. For me, this is a perfect example of how to use different flavours that complement each other to get something different that works well together. Where the white lady can be tart and dry, the sweetness of the Campari makes this a much more rounded cocktail. For me as someone who doesn’t really like Campari, I find this to be far tastier than just barely palatable like the Negroni.

My Recipe:

  • 1.5 oz (4.5 cl) Gin
  • 0.75 oz (2.25 cl) Cointreau
  • 0.75 oz (2.25 cl) Campari
  • 0.75 oz (2.25 cl) Lemon Juice

Add the ingredients to a shaker with ice. Shake and strain into a chilled coupe glass, garnish with a lemon or a grapefruit twist.