Pimm’s cup was from the beginning a digestif that was made with different herbs and spirits. Today the Pimm’s name refers to the brand that is descendant of the original Pimm’s created by a man, quite unsurprisingly, Pimm. Pimm’s has been made with a few different base spirits, the most popular is the gin based, that is the most popular one today. The different base spirit versions of the pre-bottled drink have had different numbers, all but two have been discontinued and the only other than the gin-based sell in small quantities. The gin version was the original version and received the number 1 when a scotch and a brandy version were introduced shortly after the original gin. The scotch version received the number 2 and the brandy version being designated number 3. Rum, rye and vodka versions are all designated with the numbers 4, 5 and 6.
The Pimm’s cup as the cocktail we know it today is a rather simple cocktail containing Pimm’s, Sprite, 7up or ginger ale, and fruit and vegetables, such as cucumber, mint, strawberries and orange. The character of the cup, however, is limited to the versions of Pimm’s available to buy today. The number 3 with brandy is has been phased out, making it impossible to make a real Pimm’s #3 Cup, given that it needs to use Pimm’s for it to be a Pimm’s cup. Then if some creativity is allowed, though this is not my own recipe, something of similar character can be made. By utilising spirits and spirits that, firstly, work well together and, secondly, fits with the theme liqueur and/or herbal, some interesting results can appear. With my Pimm’s replacement base, a contemporary version of the now impossible to make Pimm’s #3 Cup can be made.
With regards to flavour, this cocktail to me tastes like the colour green. With strong flavours of mint and cucumber, the taste of the colour is completely undeniable. The herbs of the vermouth work well with the vegetal flavours of the green ingredients, the cognac balances the liqueurs and citrus nicely. The spice of the ginger not overpowering, adds another dimension. This is definitely a cocktail that I would recommend. It is weird, but it truly is fantastic.
My Recipe:
- 1 oz (3 cl) Cognac
- 0.75 oz (2.25 cl) Sweet Vermouth
- 0.5 oz (1.5 cl) Curacao
- 0.5 oz (1.5 cl) Cherry Liqueur
- 0.5 oz (1.5 cl) Lemon Juice
- 4-5 Mint Leaves (and 1 sprig for garnish)
- 2 Slices Cucumber (roughly 1 cm or ½ inch)
- 2 Orange Wheels (1 of which should be used for garnish)
- 2 oz (6 cl) Ginger Beer
Muddle one orange wheel, the cucumber and mint