There are a few cocktails that are truly legendary one of them is the Negroni. It is the only cocktail with a week designated to it. The week this year is this, the week I am publishing this post. The Negroni does not have a clear history, there are several stories of how it came about. One of the most common stories is that a man named Negroni wanted his Americano stronger, where the bartender added gin and removed the soda water. This cocktail from the early 20th century is the standard when it comes to bitter cocktails. The week previously mentioned is a week where the cocktail and derivatives of it are promoted participating bars donate to a charity and are promoted as a partner for the celebration of the cocktail.
The cocktail is sweet and bitter. It is divisive as something you like, or you don’t like. Personally, I am one of those who can’t stand the cocktail. Regardless as I know it is one cocktail many like I feel like it is important to write about it. The interesting thing is that though I don’t like the Negroni many of its derivatives I actually like a lot. Changing Campari for Aperol or changing Gin for Bourbon I think makes for wonderful cocktails. Anyway, these cocktails are simple and easy to make on your own, while I recommend using a mixing glass for stirring it is not wrong to make the cocktail in the glass you will serve it in. My one strong recommendation is that you should definitely measure. As Campari is such a dominating flavour, it is important that you are not using too much of that and the proportions are right. For the gin I would recommend a bolder rather than a more delicate version as subtle notes may be overwhelmed by the Campari. For the sweet vermouth I usually recommend something quite bold there as well, normal Martini & Rossi is fine, but something like Carpano Antica elevates the cocktail in my mind. As for my recommendation is that you cannot call yourself a cocktail enthusiast if you haven’t tried a Negroni, you may not like it but it is crucial if you want to develop you knowledge about cocktails. If you are not into cocktails, I would recommend the cocktail, though slightly cautiously as it is bitter, for the same reason that it is an important cocktail.
My Recipe:
- 1 oz (3 cl) Gin
- 1 oz (3 cl) Campari
- 1 oz (3 cl) Sweet Vermouth
Add the ingredients to a mixing glass with ice. Stir to chill and dilute and strain into a Double old-fashioned glass with ice. Garnish with an orange twist.