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Posts By: ericwlf

Corpse Reviver no. 2

This week I will share the second version of the corpse reviver. This is considerably more popular than the first version, which was featured last week. I will not write the history on this cocktail as it was featured with […]

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Corpse Reviver no. 1

The hair of the dog cocktail is a cocktail made for the morning after a night of drinking. With the aim of treating the hangover, hair of the dog cocktails use the numbing effects of alcohol to treat the headache. […]

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When I have a bottle of vermouth, I sometimes ask myself “what cocktail can I make with this?”. Before I answer that question, I will begin with answering why that is an important question to ask. Where all this start […]

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#3 Cup

Pimm’s cup was from the beginning a digestif that was made with different herbs and spirits. Today the Pimm’s name refers to the brand that is descendant of the original Pimm’s created by a man, quite unsurprisingly, Pimm. Pimm’s has […]

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Harvest Sling

Today, I was asked the question what I look for in a cocktail. What makes a cocktail good according to me? The first thing I want in a cocktail is that it stands out, it has an identity. A cocktail […]

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Blood and Sand

When you try some cocktails, you ask yourself is this right. For me one experience I have had of this is the Blood and Sand. Whisky, orange juice, vermouth and cherry liqueur, each of the ingredients on their own is […]

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Remember the Maine

This week’s cocktail, similar to last week’s cocktail, is a rye and vermouth cocktail. The Basic cocktail to compare to is the Manhattan, which is only rye, vermouth and bitters. Having recently made a writeup on the Manhattan, this cocktail […]

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De La Louisiane

This cocktail is a derivative of the Vieux Carré or Manhattan, similar to both of those it has whiskey and vermouth and bitters. With the addition of Benedictine and the use of Peychaud’s bitters it is closer to the Vieux […]

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Vieux Carré

This is a cocktail related to the one in the previous post. This as a rye and vermouth-based cocktail, with cognac as well, is also one of the classics. This cocktail has its roots in New Orleans, like many other […]

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This cocktail is one of the classics that all cocktail enthusiasts should know. It is the whiskey martini, it is a staple that constitutes the basics of cocktails. It truly is one of the fundamental cocktails. With this cocktail I […]

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Brown Derby

Some of the classic cocktails that are not widely known today, are not known because of a reason. This cocktail probably invented in the 1920s or 1930s combines bourbon, grapefruit juice and honey. For me this is not a good […]

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Hemingway Daiquiri

One of the most influential non-bartenders to the cocktail world might be Ernest Hemingway. Not being an historian, the tale of Hemingway’s drinking will just be introduced here. If you find this fascinating, there is more to read about him […]

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Alternative Aperol Spritz

Once again, I present a cocktail with Aperol. This one is a take on the Aperol Sour, the Aperol Spritz and the Aperol Collins. The difference between this and the Aperol Sour and this one is that this has prosecco […]

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Aperol Sour

The Aperol Spritz have become quite a popular cocktail. Personally, it is one that I really like, so much so that it has become my go to cocktail in the summer half of the year. While it is currently winter […]

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Espresso Cocktail

For me I have never found a good cocktail with espresso or coffee that I think could be a go to cocktail for me. With the espresso “martini” use of vodka does not add anything to the cocktail beyond alcohol. […]

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Champs Elysees

A prohibition era cocktail with strong French influences, this cocktail first appeared in the savoy cocktail book. To begin with the name is the same as one of the most famous streets in France. But if a cocktail as a […]

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A cocktail that is well known and also quite popular. If I am to describe this cocktail, what it is, in terms of other cocktails, I would consider it to be a tequila sidecar or a tequila white lady. The […]

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Abano Manhattan

This week’s cocktail is one that I have put off posting for a while I have lacked a good name for this cocktail. I am still quite unsure about the name, as this does not contain any vermouth, I feel […]

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This week’s cocktail is one named the Jasmine. It is basically a white lady with some Campari. As this is not a classic cocktail, there is not much heritage to it, however that does not detract from this being a […]

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With relatively little known about this cocktail, it is known that it has been around since the prohibition. Documented in Harry Craddock’s The Savoy Cocktail Book from 1930, this cocktail can be considered to be a forgotten classic. Inmany ways […]

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This is a cocktail that probably dates back to before the prohibition, some sources statethat it was first recorded in 1919, though I have not been able to check if that is true. At least it has been recorded in […]

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Aperol Negroni

The classic cocktail from Italy, the Negroni, can be rather harsh for some people. Being made with the Italian aperitif Campari, the bitterness of the cocktail is off-putting to many. But there is an alternative to Campari for those who […]

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When it comes to influential truly classics there are a few that comes to my mind, the old fashioned, the improved cocktail and the Martinez. The Martinez considered by some to be the predecessor to the martini, and perhaps also […]

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Sweet Martini

This is a version of the traditional martini, as it was done in the late 19th and early 20th century. During that time the martini was a cocktail with gin and vermouth, by specifying which kind of vermouth was wanted […]

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The Old Fashioned Cocktail

If there is one cocktail that may be considered to be the true cocktail, the one I would consider that to be is the Old Fashioned. The cocktail from the beginning was bitters, sugar water and spirit. A whiskey cocktail […]

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