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Home / Martini/Manhattan Style

Batching Cocktails

I haven’t done a post in three weeks at this moment, as I have not made any cocktails for this time either I haven’t had anything to post. A little more than a month ago I was the co-host of […]

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Harvest Moon

This cocktail does not have more than 100 years of history like many other cocktails I post here. Created relatively recently, this cocktail highlights what a good cocktail it. Utilising two kinds of base spirits, a herbal liqueur and a […]

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Cocchi Martini

I have previously made a writeup on the Martini, writing about the one with sweet vermouth. Now this week I will use the Martini to show how one can use the concept of the Martini to use an ingredient with […]

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Corpse Reviver no. 1

The hair of the dog cocktail is a cocktail made for the morning after a night of drinking. With the aim of treating the hangover, hair of the dog cocktails use the numbing effects of alcohol to treat the headache. […]

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When I have a bottle of vermouth, I sometimes ask myself “what cocktail can I make with this?”. Before I answer that question, I will begin with answering why that is an important question to ask. Where all this start […]

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Remember the Maine

This week’s cocktail, similar to last week’s cocktail, is a rye and vermouth cocktail. The Basic cocktail to compare to is the Manhattan, which is only rye, vermouth and bitters. Having recently made a writeup on the Manhattan, this cocktail […]

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De La Louisiane

This cocktail is a derivative of the Vieux Carré or Manhattan, similar to both of those it has whiskey and vermouth and bitters. With the addition of Benedictine and the use of Peychaud’s bitters it is closer to the Vieux […]

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Vieux Carré

This is a cocktail related to the one in the previous post. This as a rye and vermouth-based cocktail, with cognac as well, is also one of the classics. This cocktail has its roots in New Orleans, like many other […]

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This cocktail is one of the classics that all cocktail enthusiasts should know. It is the whiskey martini, it is a staple that constitutes the basics of cocktails. It truly is one of the fundamental cocktails. With this cocktail I […]

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Abano Manhattan

This week’s cocktail is one that I have put off posting for a while I have lacked a good name for this cocktail. I am still quite unsure about the name, as this does not contain any vermouth, I feel […]

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When it comes to influential truly classics there are a few that comes to my mind, the old fashioned, the improved cocktail and the Martinez. The Martinez considered by some to be the predecessor to the martini, and perhaps also […]

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Sweet Martini

This is a version of the traditional martini, as it was done in the late 19th and early 20th century. During that time the martini was a cocktail with gin and vermouth, by specifying which kind of vermouth was wanted […]

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The Tuxedo

It may happen that when you search for a specific cocktail with a certain name, another comes up with that same name. The Tuxedo is one of those cocktails. While both the tuxedo cocktails are of the Martini/Manhattan/Martinez-type of cocktail, […]

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