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Corpse Reviver no. 1

The hair of the dog cocktail is a cocktail made for the morning after a night of drinking. With the aim of treating the hangover, hair of the dog cocktails use the numbing effects of alcohol to treat the headache. […]

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#3 Cup

Pimm’s cup was from the beginning a digestif that was made with different herbs and spirits. Today the Pimm’s name refers to the brand that is descendant of the original Pimm’s created by a man, quite unsurprisingly, Pimm. Pimm’s has […]

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Harvest Sling

Today, I was asked the question what I look for in a cocktail. What makes a cocktail good according to me? The first thing I want in a cocktail is that it stands out, it has an identity. A cocktail […]

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Vieux Carré

This is a cocktail related to the one in the previous post. This as a rye and vermouth-based cocktail, with cognac as well, is also one of the classics. This cocktail has its roots in New Orleans, like many other […]

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This is a cocktail that probably dates back to before the prohibition, some sources statethat it was first recorded in 1919, though I have not been able to check if that is true. At least it has been recorded in […]

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