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Three Dots and a Dash

This time I am not talking about the Chicago based cocktail bar, which is great by the way. With this cocktail I am moving into more typical tiki cocktails. I will not go into more details regarding its heritage than […]

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Clover Club

This week I read an askreddit post about female things men like. One of the answers in the thread was regarding cocktails where they prefer girly drinks over manly. I would categorise the “girly” drinks in two categories, pink pretty […]

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When I have a bottle of vermouth, I sometimes ask myself “what cocktail can I make with this?”. Before I answer that question, I will begin with answering why that is an important question to ask. Where all this start […]

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#3 Cup

Pimm’s cup was from the beginning a digestif that was made with different herbs and spirits. Today the Pimm’s name refers to the brand that is descendant of the original Pimm’s created by a man, quite unsurprisingly, Pimm. Pimm’s has […]

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Remember the Maine

This week’s cocktail, similar to last week’s cocktail, is a rye and vermouth cocktail. The Basic cocktail to compare to is the Manhattan, which is only rye, vermouth and bitters. Having recently made a writeup on the Manhattan, this cocktail […]

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De La Louisiane

This cocktail is a derivative of the Vieux Carré or Manhattan, similar to both of those it has whiskey and vermouth and bitters. With the addition of Benedictine and the use of Peychaud’s bitters it is closer to the Vieux […]

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Vieux Carré

This is a cocktail related to the one in the previous post. This as a rye and vermouth-based cocktail, with cognac as well, is also one of the classics. This cocktail has its roots in New Orleans, like many other […]

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Brown Derby

Some of the classic cocktails that are not widely known today, are not known because of a reason. This cocktail probably invented in the 1920s or 1930s combines bourbon, grapefruit juice and honey. For me this is not a good […]

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Champs Elysees

A prohibition era cocktail with strong French influences, this cocktail first appeared in the savoy cocktail book. To begin with the name is the same as one of the most famous streets in France. But if a cocktail as a […]

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With relatively little known about this cocktail, it is known that it has been around since the prohibition. Documented in Harry Craddock’s The Savoy Cocktail Book from 1930, this cocktail can be considered to be a forgotten classic. Inmany ways […]

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Sweet Martini

This is a version of the traditional martini, as it was done in the late 19th and early 20th century. During that time the martini was a cocktail with gin and vermouth, by specifying which kind of vermouth was wanted […]

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The Tuxedo

It may happen that when you search for a specific cocktail with a certain name, another comes up with that same name. The Tuxedo is one of those cocktails. While both the tuxedo cocktails are of the Martini/Manhattan/Martinez-type of cocktail, […]

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