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Remember the Maine

This week’s cocktail, similar to last week’s cocktail, is a rye and vermouth cocktail. The Basic cocktail to compare to is the Manhattan, which is only rye, vermouth and bitters. Having recently made a writeup on the Manhattan, this cocktail […]

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De La Louisiane

This cocktail is a derivative of the Vieux Carré or Manhattan, similar to both of those it has whiskey and vermouth and bitters. With the addition of Benedictine and the use of Peychaud’s bitters it is closer to the Vieux […]

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Vieux Carré

This is a cocktail related to the one in the previous post. This as a rye and vermouth-based cocktail, with cognac as well, is also one of the classics. This cocktail has its roots in New Orleans, like many other […]

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The Old Fashioned Cocktail

If there is one cocktail that may be considered to be the true cocktail, the one I would consider that to be is the Old Fashioned. The cocktail from the beginning was bitters, sugar water and spirit. A whiskey cocktail […]

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